
Hi, my name is Max and I’m know as the “graphics guy” online. I’ve been creating and selling graphics and video related content for over 18 years now.

I started my graphics career by running a service, creating eCovers and sales page graphics for others. After that I started offering DIY tools and templates to my clients to allow them to create their own graphics.

Today I no longer run a design service, and focus only on providing tools, assets and training to help others create better graphics and videos.

VideoToolkit is a website where I share my best graphics tools and templates with others.

How this website will benefit you

I’ve been doing this stuff for over 18 years and spent 1,000’s of hours tinkering with graphics.

What I try to do here is break down all the complex things about graphics and video creation, and make it simple for you.

I try to create simple to use tools that allow you to create awesome graphics quickly and easily.